Carrusel de melancolías 1978 / 2014 – Leonora Vicuña
Curated by Alexis Fabry
Event: Carrusel de melancolías 1978 / 2014 – Leonora Vicuña
Places: Fundación Larivière, Fotografía latinoamericana, Buenos Aires
Date: October 2024 – February 2025
Exhibition and catalogue design: Olivier Andreotti (Toluca Studio)
Leonora Vicuña portrays the sinister Santiago of the darkest days of the dictatorship: the poorly lighted streets, the bars, the restaurants, the dives frequented by waiters, dancers, drunks, transvestites, and poets. People whose lives could be written in chalk on the slates and whose silhouette she caresses with the tip of her colored pencils on silver gelatin: ashen nights of curfews, when the few sparks of desire still shone. In those same years, together with Ramón Díaz Eterovic, she edited the poetry journal La Gota Pura, which was distributed internationally, in spite of the censors. She also created, with the help of others, the Asociación de Fotógrafos Independientes (AFI), whose images managed to escape the ironclad control of the Chilean military.
Catalogue description:
Toluca Editions + Ediciones Larivière + RM
Text: Felipe Tupper
128 pages – 21 x 29 cm
84 images
Bilingual edition : Spanish and English
ISBN: 978-987-4460-23-3
October 2024
Graphic design: Olivier Andreotti